There are 3 types of cellulite
- Aqueous: this type of cellulite is very bumpy looking, when you press on the skin you will see white spots that take a while to disappear. Often you suffer swollen ankles, your hands and feet easily get cold. The best is Lierac Ultra Body 10 Draining gel after dry brushing with the dry brushing glove.
- Adipoid: this cellulite is visible when the skin is pinched, it has a swollen appearance and mostly seen when we are overweight. The best is Lierac Body slim after 5 minutes of massage with the lipo-massage glove.
- Fibrous: this cellulite is found on specific areas and has been there a while (puberty, pregnancy). It is painful when pinched and you can see it even when you are laying down at the beach! The best is Percutafeine Gel after 5 minutes of massage with the lipo-massage glove.

$ 38.00
Percutafeine Cellulite Gel